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Shreem Medicity

Shreem Medicity

Shreem Medicity – A Unit Of Oikoshreem Health Care Pvt. Ltd.

Shreem Medicity is an ongoing project of Oikoshreem Health Care whose aim is to offer a wide range of services delivered by highly experienced and internationally renowned Physicians & Surgeons along with many of nationally recognized & talented nursing staff and dedicated support teams. The proposed hospital would be multi-specialty tertiary care unit. The hospital would have 150 beds in the first phase spread over a total built up area of approximately 1,00,000 sq.ft.

Facility Mix

The proposed hospital would accommodate about 15 outpatient consultation rooms, (in Phase 1) 5 nos. operating rooms and 60 intensive care beds. The women and child ward would consist of 2 delivery bays, labour ward with 10 beds and 15 nos. NICU / PICU beds
Total number of census beds: 150 beds
Total number of OPD rooms: 15 rooms
Bed split : 60 beds
ICU beds +NICU+ Post Op
Casualty: 10 beds
General ward: 30 beds
Semi-private: 15 beds
Private: 30 beds
Deluxe: 05 beds
Operating Theatres: 6 nos. major +1 no. emergency gynaecology OT
Emergency/triage: 1 No. minor OT
Delivery bays: 2 Nos
Total number of census beds:
Total number of OPD rooms:
Bed split
ICU beds +NICU+ Post Op
General ward:
Operating Theatres:
Delivery bays:
150 beds
15 rooms
60 Beds
10 Beds
30 Beds
15 Beds
30 Beds
05 Beds
6 nos. major +1 no. emergency gynaecology OT
1 No. minor OT
2 Nos

Speciality Mix

The proposed hospital would accommodate about 15 outpatient consultation rooms, (in Phase 1) 5 nos. operating rooms and 60 intensive care beds. The women and child ward would consist of 2 delivery bays, labour ward with 10 beds and 15 nos. NICU / PICU beds

Super-specialty services provided by the hospital

Prominent Diagnostic Facilities Planned

Hospital Structure

The proposed hospital would be multi-specialty tertiary care unit. The hospital would have 150 beds in the first phase spread over a total built up area of approximately 1,00,000 sq. ft.
The facility would consist of the following medical (core) and support (non-core services) –

Supporting Infrastructure For The Hospital Like:

The rationale of proposing a multi-specialty unit is based on the fact that an increasing number of patients, both urban and rural, are exhibiting co-morbidity and require the intervention of multiple specialists to provide holistic treatment. Moreover, multiple specialties would allow the hospital to better utilize expensive diagnostic facilities. For e.g. CT Scan and Miti serve cardiac surgery, neuro-surgery, orthopedic surgery and gastro- intestinal surgery. ECHO and Ultrasound are useful for diagnosing urology, gynecology, vascular and cardiology related problems in patients.

The hospital would consist of three cores –

Outer Core – OPD Zone

The OPD zone is the first approach for any patient to this hospital. Patients entering the OPD entry will be exposed to a series of consultation rooms catering to different departments, treatment rooms and diagnostic facilities. An out-patient waiting room for the OPD facility is planned on the sides of the OPD block with separate toilet facilities.
The emergency facilities & maternity wards are planned as a separate arm and it has the following facilities.
The diagnostic facilities planned in the Phase 1 are as follows:
Clinical Laboratories and Blood Bank are also planned very close to OPD and IPD areas for easy access. Dialysis with its supporting facilities would also be planned close to the OPD core for easy access of visiting patients.

Intermediate Core – Radiology And Critical Care Zone

The intermediate core accommodates the radiology diagnostics and the critical care areas such as the intensive care units, operating rooms, pre and post-op holding bays etc. Since, the radiology unit serves the out-patients, emergency department and the in-patients; the location of the radiology wing is of particular importance and is located so as to enable optimal access from all three areas. Inter-dependent departments diagnostics would be located next to each other to facilitate efficient use of resources. Radiology department would also be planned in such a manner so that it is away from maternity department and patient waiting areas to ensure patient safety.
The diagnostic facilities include:
Suitable zoning shall be planned to minimize crisscross of fresh and used material, manpower and patients.

Inner Core – In Patient Departments

The inner IPD zone would consist of wards and holding areas for recuperation of medical and surgical in-patients. The zoning shall be so planned to minimize traffic and provide a peaceful environment for the patients to recover. The wards would be further categorized as general wards, semi-private rooms, private rooms and deluxe rooms to provide service differentiation and address the specific requirements of various classes of patients.
Wards would be supported with the following facilities: